What Is FiddleQuest?
About FiddleQuest
Take the Tour
Designed for teachers who want their students to play music socially and confidently, FiddleQuest prepares students to be comfortable in many environments, whether on the stage, at a jam, or simply with friends & family. Learn more about how FiddleQuest enables students to play socially by developing strong ears.
With Others, With Confidence
FiddleQuest promotes excellence without perfectionism, creating a culture where students can make mistakes, have fun, and develop musical proficiency.
Culture of Growth
FiddleQuest students play for a lifetime, and that longevity can only be achieved through genuine, intrinsic motivation. Nurturing that motivation means emphasizing different skills and experiences for different age groups. Learn more about our teaching style in our interviews, instructional video series, and blog.
Intrinsic Motivation
We believe that connection with others is the primary motivation for playing music. It's a value at the foundation of FiddleQuest, and you'll see it in our curriculum and students.