My coping strategy for boredom
FiddleQuest embraces an educational approach that places intrinsic motivation as the most important consideration in learning the violin.
Why Students Keep Playing
FiddleQuest embraces the idea that the primary job of parents and teachers is to create a learning environment where students develop a strong, healthy motivation to learn and keep playing.
You can explore our foundational ideas about motivation and its role in learning in our instructional video series, Conversations On Learning interviews, and Foundational Ideas blog.
The Primary Obstacle in Learning the Violin
Conversations on Learning is a project that allows students, parents, and teachers to answer questions, tell stories, give advice, and reflect on the experience of learning the violin.
Hearing personal stories is one of the most effective ways of learning for all ages. It is one of the reasons why students in a rich music community have more successful outcomes. They learn to navigate the journey with the help and experiences of others around them.
These videos reflect on what students like about the violin, what they don't like, what makes them want to play, or makes them quit. Check out our interviews below.
Ideas on Learning
Every aspect of the FiddleQuest program is built around our values and ideas about how we play and learn music and what is needed to keep music fun and rewarding in all stages of life. Here are a few ideas...(and a link below to more.)