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My coping strategy for boredom
The most important ingredient in teaching
The Most Important Question: Why am I doing this?
Using adventures to motivate young violinists
How notation can help violinists
Head injuries in music
Music lessons and when to call it quits
How do we deal with challenges and discomfort?
Using music to connect with people. not impress them.
#6 - Where Motivation Theory Meets Reality: Activities
#5 - The 5 Stages of Development of a Violin Player
#4 - The 3 Internal Needs of Violin Students
#3 - The 3 people who support violin students
#2 - The 2 Types of Motivation for Violin Students. Use one with caution.
#1 - The Fundamental Obstacle of Violin Students
Virtuosity is not the determining factor for how happy you will be with your music