Learn popular songs from important violin-fiddle traditions. Learn to accompany your students on the ukulele. Discover how to host low-stress, no-fail jams with students and families. And receive the skills and encouragement that allow you to participate in a local community music session.

Play advanced violin-fiddle music with the unique sound of each style. You have the skills and experience to enjoy any recreational music setting and are leading community sessions with advanced students and skilled community players. Your students are inspired by your versatility and the joy you take in being able to play anything you hear.
What You and Your Students Learn at Each Stage
Student Levels
In this stage, you will...
Learn the songs, skills, and essential concepts in Levels 1 & 2 of the FiddleQuest curriculum
Observe lessons taught by other teachers
Receive feedback, guidance, and encouragement on your own lessons
Learn your first chords on a ukulele, allowing you to provide rhythm support for your students
Host a beginner fiddle jam and take your first steps toward establishing a music community
In this stage, your students will...
Learn their first notes on the violin
Develop their bow arm and left hand
Start on the path to building a strong ear that will allow them to play whatever they hear
Be comfortable being accompanied by you or a parent on the ukulele or guitar
Play simple melodies like Twinkle and Row Your Boat
Join other students in beginner jams and take the first steps to playing socially
Student Levels
In this stage, you will...
Learn the songs, skills, and essential concepts in Levels 3 & 4
Learn to accompany students on the ukulele on all the songs in these levels
Learn to host low-stress, no-fail jams with your students and families
Participate in zoom meetings with experienced FiddleQuest teachers
Receive the skills and encouragement that allow you to participate in a community music session
In this stage, your students will...
Play 24 popular American, Irish, and Scottish tunes
Grow the number of notes they can hear, process, and play back when they are learning a new tune
Play several 2-octave scales
Learn to improvise (using the same keys as the scales)
Start to sight-read harmony parts and follow chord charts
Take part in student jams with enough music in their repertoire to play for a couple of hours
Student Levels
Student Levels
Student Levels
In this stage, you will...
Learn the songs, skills, and essential concepts in Levels 5 & 6
Learn to lead your students in busking in your community
Plan and run a motivating adventure for your students
Run regular jams for your students and local musicians
In this stage, your students will...
Add Scandinavian, old-time, and bluegrass styles to their repertoire
Increase their playing speeds to a moderate tempo
Improve their intonation quickly, sped along by their heavy reliance on ear-learning
Sight-read triplets, accidentals, and dynamics
Learn ornamentation, including Irish flicks and rolls, Scottish burls, and classical vibrato
Grow more confident in playing with (and for) others, busk (playing on the street for tips), play in jams, and participate in school orchestras
In this stage, you will...
Learn the songs, skills, and essential concepts in Levels 7 & 8
Learn to accompany singers
Participate in an Irish session and a bluegrass jam
Learn to run a low-stress 3-day fiddle camp
Embark on different adventures with students both in and out of town
In this stage, your students will...
Play popular blues, jazz, and classical music
Recognize musical patterns, making it easier for them to quickly learn songs from longer phrases
Learn Irish and Scottish sets (3 or 4 songs strung together)
Sight-read different key signatures, time signatures, intermediate articulations, and dynamics
Join old-time, Irish, and bluegrass sessions and back-up singers and instrumentalists with improvised harmonies, comping, and solo breaks
In this stage, you will...
Learn the songs, skills, and essential concepts in Levels 9 & 10
Enjoy the confidence of knowing hundreds of pieces of music
Play and teach the songs and skills required to be a versatile musician who is welcome and comfortable in any music session
Take part in epic adventures with other FQ teaching communities
In this stage, your students will...
Play at a high level of musicianship
Be welcome in any recreational setting (and some professional ones, too)
Play at fast speeds with rich tone and genre-specific ornamentation
Be able to improvise music that creatively fits different styles (e.g., jazz, blues, bluegrass, pop)
Play advanced classical music that goes above the 3rd position
Sight-read at a level acceptable for a youth symphony or community orchestra
Learn that they can dig deeper into their favorite style of music and develop into a performance-level player